"Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self."

                                                            CONTACT ME

This is my own mantra as I practice yoga as a unique tool to explore myself, body and soul! I am a soon-to-be yoga teacher and I am more than thrilled to share all I know about this life-changing discipline. It doesn't matter what's the approach you want me to use for your content as I have a 360° knowledge on the field!

  • The content is high quality, 100% unique and each post would be customized for your main goal!
  • Each article comes with 1 or more copyright free images so you don't have to worry to find it on your own! 
  • articles can be on both yoga and meditation discussing many topics related to these practices
  • What's yoga, what's meditation, what are the main benefits of these disciplines are some of the most required titles lately but I am definitely open to hear from you and your suggestions so we could team up for some very good stuff for your project!
  • The content can be in english or italian.

If you want to get to know me a little bit better, if you want to know more about me and my yoga and meditation journey contact me via chat!